Penn Mar Recycle Company - Logo

An entity of Maryland Recycle Company


14 Onion Blvd,

 Shrewsbury, PA 17361


Frequently Asked Questions

  • It's my first time here. Where do I go?

    First time at Penn mar Recycle? Here is how it works:

    1. Get on the scale

    2. Get off when the light is green

    3. Dump your steel in the pile 

    4. Get back on the scale again

    5. Bring all other metals inside where our employees will help you 

    6. Make sure you have your I.D. and license plate # ready to put in our system, so we can pay you!

  • What do you do about appliances with refrigerant?

    We have a certified technician available to safely & legally remove refrigerant frm scrapped appliances. 

  • Do I need identification?

    Yes,  please have your I.D. ready as well as the license plate number of the vehicle you are driving. 

  • What kind of metal do I have?

    No worries, our employees can answer all your metal questions! But one way of finding out if your material is steel or not is sticking a magnet to it, if it is magnetic it is steel!

  • Can I bring materials with liquid inside?

    All Scrap must be free of any oil, gas, or hazardous materials.

  • What materials do you not accept?

    We do not accept:

    • Electronics
    • Anything with liquid in it
    • Catalytic convertors
    • Vehicles 

  • Do I get paid the same day?

    We offer cash on the spot for your material. If you would like a check, we will glady provide you a check same day. For commercial/industrial customers, we can also set up an account for your company and pay out monthly. 

  • What is the difference between Ferrous and Non-Ferrous?

    The difference between non ferrous and ferrous materials, is that non ferrous materials are not magnetic, they are metals like copper, aluminum, and brass. Ferrrous materials are magnetic and are metals like steel and Iron.  Non ferrous metals are more valuable than ferrous materials. 

  • Do you buy batteries?

    Yes, we buy batteries! We take lead acid batteries, steel case batteries,  and cell site batteries.

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